Mindfulness Baker's Gochujang Pumpkin Buns Recipe

- 500g Canadian Strong White Bread Flour
- 1 sachet of instant active yeast or 7g of yeast
- 2 tsp light brown sugar
- 1.5 tsp salt
- 1 tbsp soft butter
- 300ml warm water
- 2 tbsp Gochujang paste
- 1 medium egg (for egg wash)
- Sea salt flakes
Buy the flour:

This fantastic autumnal recipe has been provided to us by The Mindfulness Baker (April Sampson). Flavoured with Korean chilli paste – Gochujang – these spicy buns come out a beautiful orange colour and can be shaped like pumpkins for the perfect seasonal look - or kept as traditional bun shapes if you prefer. Find out how to make and shape them by following the guide below!
- Baker: The Mindfulness Baker - April Sampson
- IG: @mindfulnessbaker
- Makes: 10 - 12 buns
- Prep time: 2 hrs 30 mins
- Bake time: 20 mins
- Flours used: Canadian Great White
Gochujang Pumpkin Buns Recipe Method:
- Mix the flour and salt in a big bowl. Using your fingertips, rub in the butter until only fine ‘crumbs’ are left.
- Add the yeast and sugar to the warm water and set aside for a few minutes to bloom. Add this to the dry mix and combine roughly using a knife or spatula.
- Add the Gochujang paste and roughly combine again, the dough should look a little scruffy at this stage.
- Tip the dough onto a lightly flour dusted surface and knead for 10 minutes (or use the dough hook attachment on your mixer.
- Lightly grease a clean mixing bowl with some oil. Pop the dough in, cover the bowl with a clean tea towel and leave to rise until doubled in size. This should take roughly 45 minutes to an hour.
- Once proved, tip the dough onto a lightly floured surface and knock back the dough gently.
- Portion the dough into 10 or 12 even pieces (use a weighing scale if you prefer) I made 10 buns which were larger in size.
- Roll each portion into a ball and sit on a floured baking tray.
- If you want to recreate the Autumnal pumpkin shape you'll need a food safe baking string cut into 4 equal strands per bun.
- Lay the string on the floured surface firstly making a cross using 2 pieces of string.
- With the additional 2 pieces of string lay them across the cross diagonally, one each side.
- Pop your floured ball on top of the string pattern and bring each string together at the middle, tie loosely set aside on the baking tray with the tied string side facing downwards.
- Repeat the process until all buns are complete, ensure you allow enough room for the dough to grow by using 2 baking trays if needed.
- Prove for another 45 minutes lightly covering with a tea towel.
- Set the oven to 200°C (fan) whilst it warms up prepare your egg wash. Crack one medium egg into a bowl along with 1 tsp of Gochujang paste, mix thoroughly until well combined.
- Brush each bun with the egg wash mix, sprinkle with sea salt flakes and pop into the oven for 20 minutes until beautifully golden.
- Remove from the oven and allow to cool before cutting away the string to reveal gorgeous golden orange pumpkin buns, perfect for sharing!
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