Fat Thursday Doughnuts

1 kg of flour (600g of plain flour, 400g of white spelt flour)
0.5l of milk
80g of butter
10g of fresh yeast
1 cup of sugar
1 egg
3 yolks
pinch of salt
plum butter, rose jam or any jam you like or custard – this is optional, you can have any filling you like
fat for deep frying (lard or oil)
1 tbsp of spirit or any strong alcohol – optional
Buy the flour:

- Warm-up milk with butter until dissolved (warm-up, do not boil)
Crushed yeast mix with 2 tsp of sugar, a few tbsp of warm milk and a little bit of flour (wait until yeast starts to activate/rise). Mix flour with a pinch of salt. - Grind the yolks and egg with sugar until fluffy (can use a mixer). Add yeast when ready and start adding flour and warm milk with butter, for a change you can add 1 tbsp at the end but don’t have to, it’s optional.
- Knead the dough thoroughly until all the ingredients will join and for further few minutes. sprinkle the dough with flour, cover with a cloth or cling film and leave to prove in a warm place for about 1h. the dough should double its size. Our grandmothers and mothers were leaving dough under the duvet.
- When the dough doubles its size, you can start to form doughnuts
Tear off a bit of dough, knead it a little bit and flatten on your hand. Put half a teaspoon of plum butter/jam/custard onto your flatten dough and close it. Form a ball and leave it on a baking tray or kitchen top to rest until you’ll form all doughnuts. They will double in size.
- Heat up the fat in a pan (big enough for at least 3 doughnuts). You can put half of a small potato to the fat, so the doughnuts won’t soak so much fat. Start frying from the first doughnut you’ve rolled until golden brown. Try to keep the same temperature of fat/oil, you can burn them if too hot.
Also, you can use a BBQ stick to check if they are ready inside. Fried doughnuts put on a kitchen towel to drain the fat. - After they cooled down, sprinkle the doughnuts with icing sugar or just simply put the icing sugar into a small bowl and tap both sides of the doughnuts in it.
- And then ENJOY
Thank you to Aga for sending is this indulgent doughnut recipe.
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