Elaine's Starter Secrets Series

In this series Elaine Boddy walks us through her entire Starter Making Process. From getting the right equipment in place, getting started and maintaining, through to being ready to bake. This series is exclusive to Matthews and covers tons of Elaine's best-kept starter secrets!
Scroll down to see the latest episode, and to get a full idea of what the series is all about! Remember that this video guide works hand in hand with Elaine's Sourdough Starter Guide, and her free downloadable Starter Journal that you get when you join our Super Sourdoughers Club!
Episode 1
Introduction to sourdough starters, what they are, and what they do, plus all about the key equipment you will need to get going.
Episode 2
Let’s make a starter: the step-by-step process from day 1 to day 4 inclusive, showing exactly what to do on each day. The video includes each action so that you can see what Elaine does when, and how she does it.
Episode 3
The next steps: the step-by-step process from day 5 to day 7 inclusive, showing exactly what to do on each day, plus top tips and what to look for in your starter. The video includes each action so that you can see what to do, how, and when to do it.
Episode 4
Making starters with wholegrain flours, and how to maintain and use your new starter for making dough. Elaine shows you exactly how to feed your starter to make dough.
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