Sophie & Elaine Together Again For Foodbod Pod S2E13

Our very own Sourdough Ambassador - Elaine Boddy - and our In House Pro Baker - Sophie Carey - team up for Season 2 Episode 13, "It's All About Baking" streaming now!
Foodbod Pod S2 Sponsored by Cotswold Flour
Sophie Carey, Bakery Development Manager at Matthews Cotswold Flour, joins Elaine in her home kitchen to bake as well as talk about all things baking. Having achieved so much since leaving university (as the top student) just a few short years ago, becoming a Freeman of the Worshipful Company of Bakers - one of the City of London’s historic livery companies, which traces its origins back to medieval times - and joining Cotswold Flour as our recipe-writer/tester and all round pro baker.
Sophie is the expert's expert here at Cotswold Flour, helping our trade bakery customers make the most out of our flour and develop their businesses as well as their bakes. Sophie is also a champion of baking training opportunities - leading our Young Baker Experience Programme - as well as organising events like the annual ABST conference and so much more!
Sophie talks with Elaine while baking two delicious recipes – the French delicacy chouquettes and an upside down salted honey pecan cake. Sophie has a top tip and advice for home bakers at every stage of the process, drawn from her seemingly inexhaustible knowledge of baking, recipes, flour, ingredients and how to use them! The recipes for both the bakes are also available on the Foodbod Pod Blog here now.
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Brought you in partnership with Matthews Cotswold Flour and Shanas Sourdough.
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